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Summer time
Let's start the summer in Puy.
Bike park is open from 6 july till 31st of august.
Even more than the fresh nite and our pure air, you can enjoy a lot of summer activities here.
Bike, Alpinism, canyonig, trek,hiking, climbig, rafting, paragliding and the rest.
Enjoy your stay with us.
Ski Resort
First skis slopesin december.
Booking online Open
Book your ski or snowboard collectiv lessons right now.
- Instructors that speak English.
- Collectives Lessons Premium : 8 persons max in each group
- Funny Nursery slopes to make ski a pleasure from the beginning.
- Free badge and passeport levels recognized every where for the group lessons 6 days.
- Small Instructors team to favorisate human contact.
You're Lucky we are also in Puy......